Historians will look back at this time frame and say.

”What was wrong with the American people? Could they not see what was happening?”

The green bandwagon. It was termed “feel good”, “I donated to save the world. See I care?” Ignoring the danger signs of what the leaders of the environmental movement were really doing.

Look at what Ted Turner, a leader in the environmental cause, has to say about people. ”A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” Back in 1996, Turner stated this in an interview with Audubon Magazine. That is worldwide folk. Good ole Eco friendly Ted wants to be the new Hitler and exterminate 6.2 billion people. Plenty of other examples of what the leaders of the environmental movement want.

Here is how they changed Americans from critical thinking free citizen to emotional consumers.


”Iserbyt has directed her flashlight into the darkest, secret, elitist corners of Academe, flushing out and exposing to the light of day the termites, who have been eating away at the foundations of traditional academic education.”

-Gene Malone, B.A., M.E., 30 yr. teacher, founder of Freedom 2000/USA

”This country, if it is to remain a sovereign, free and independent America, depends upon the greatest number of Americans reading and acting upon the information in this timely book.”

-Ann Herzer, M.A., Reading Specialist, 20 yr. teacher, former candidate AZ Supt. of Pub. Inst., Member Dau. Am. Rev

The gang green has stopped drilling for oil all over America. Plenty of oil in Alaska, oh can’t touch that. Yep, that’s right folks, caribou are more important, than you. Make sure you thank Greenpeace, when you fill up. Plenty of oil off California, nope can’t drill there. Eco groups, want the American people to pay $4.00 a gallon for their heating oil. Thanks Greenpeace. We need new refineries, can’t do that, Gang green has helped to pass so many regulations that it would take 10 years to build one. And that is if everything goes perfect for all 400 inspection. Global warming is make believe. But fall for the big lie, and soon you will be paying a new Global tax on energy. Thank Al Gore for that one. You are not paying enough for electricity, gas and heating costs, wait until this new tax is passed.




Illegal aliens can collect Social security and welfare?


Since the U.S. has 37 million immigrants, legal and illegal, the national cost was more than $346 billion last year, which was twice our fiscal deficit. The cost of immigrants is so high because, as Rubenstein writes, ”Immigrants are poorer, pay less tax and are more likely to receive public benefits than natives.” Make sure you keep working, don’t want those poor illegal aliens to suffer. Maybe a fence patrolled by American military would stop this nonsense. Take care of America first?

What is the solution. Demand action form Congress and the Senate. We need oil drilling NOW. If we are change to a new energy what is it? Wind and solar are part of answer what is the rest? In the mean time we still need gas for our cars and heat for our home. We need real solution and not more feel good talk. Why do I sound anger about the Green groups? Because I feel betrayed. If they truly care about the planet they would have invested in real solution 30 years ago. If you want to understand the Green groups and how your donation is spend read the book “State of Fear” it is all about using Fear to collect money from people for the environment but how the money is spend is a real eye opener.

It is up to you America you can keep trying to struggle and survive or you can tell the tiny percent of green group members to shut up and give us real solutions. Drilling for oil is darn good start.

Bruce Buckshot