The good times and the high spending days are behind us now. America is heading to the Great Depression 2. Some folks are still in denial they say people like me that believe this is fear mongering. Yea I guess their wives must do the grocery shopping, or they never do any home projects, or see what gas cost. For years many of us saw this coming. It is the crooks in Washington DC both parties are to blame and of course the huge Corporations that sent all the factories overseas.
My latest film Undue Burden the real cost of living with wolves is in depth study of the wolf reintroductions. Exposing the lies behind this whole program. You will see the reality of living with wolves.
Yes it will look like nothing you have ever seen the carnage the wolf causes the Physiological damage to the children, the rancher going of business because of the flawed reimbursement program. The wolf in wolf clothing is very good for showing you what is happening in America today. The Environmental groups collecting Millions upon millions of dollars to save the wolf the small family ranch going out of business, wolf proof bus stop shelters, the documented people killed by wolves in American history. The same thing is happening in America the TV news is telling everyone the party can go on forever, but the carnage of the housing collapse and people living in tent cities is becoming a stark reality.
As we go into the slow downturn remember on the first Depression the stock market crash was in 1929 Roosevelt didn’t take office until 1932.
The experts were all saying the same thing back then nothing to worry about everything is fine. Can things turn around in this country sure but I sure as heck don’t see the leadership to do it. We need real leaders that understand what is going on we could have a revolution of converting to different power system we don’t have to re invent the wheel. The solution are already out there what is lacking is the leadership to do it. Close off our border, give tax incentive to alternator energy start drilling for oil in America, set up coal to gas plants and tell the Sierra club to shut up. I can’t believe people are paying $4 a gallon for gasoline and think it the evil oil companies fault. This crisis is created by the Greenies who stop oil drilling in Alaska, off the coast of Ca and Florida, the coal to gas plants, the new refineries, the new pipelines, etc. You believe what these people tell you as they collect millions and millions every year and you get hit with higher gas and food prices. Oh well keep supporting them and your children will have wolves in the wild not that they will ever to go for a drive and see them because they will be force to live in apartment building with no car.
What happened? See this article if you want to read on what is going on here is good place to start if you are on dial up it takes about 10 minutes to load the page.
Now the big questions how to survive and how bad well it get? For the latter no answer it could go into a slow quiet death where everything just keeps getting worst then we find some new way for people to work together as small communities and survive or it could go as far as Mad Max. I read a lot about the Argentina collapse and how folks survived. It was somewhere in the middle of working society and Mad Max. If you did go into the wrong area it could be a shoot out over your vehicle or a kidnapping cause they think your family has money. If you were dumb enough to report the shoot out the cops would toss you in jail. The bureaucrat still had their jobs so you still had a Government so to speak. Food shortage, gas shortages, rolling brown out, and constants on the watch for thieves. It is very arrogant to think America is immunity from this. Here is a quick example I make my own bread. 25 pound sack of flour last me 3 months. In December 25 pounds of bread flour cost $10.35 In March it cost $14.35 and June of 2008 it cost $16.35. Now I might get my math wrong here and there but am pretty darn sure that is 60% increase in 6 months.
But right now there are things you need to be doing to protect yourself. As things get harder and harder for folks crime rate is going to keep getting worst. We are at the early stages of this. More gas thief, more vehicles stolen, breaking and entering, worst home invasion, armed robbers, rape etc. Criminals are experts at reading people body langue have you ever noticed when you are having a really bad day and you are tick off at the world the pan handlers leave you alone? But when you are good mood the same ones well approach you? There is signs people give off in their walk, their look and the general feel from the person. You need to change everything about your walk when you see questionable person you should try to avoid them but if you can’t looked them straight in the eye and be thinking you try to rob me it is not going to be easy for you. The robbers want meek people who will just hand over their money or car not fight them. Criminal through out history have been in favor of guns laws for oblivious reason. If the average citizen is armed they might get shot trying to rob them. But if everyone is unarmed robbing folks is safe job for them. Common sense.
Now your home if you are alone or both you and your partner work you need to beef up security at your home. Talk to your neighbors. Especially the little old retired lady ask her to keep an eye on your place. Get in the habit of locking everything up. I lived in Michigan in the early 80’s high unemployment high crime. What they were stealing back then was batteries out of your vehicle, radios, cassette tapes, gas, breaking and entering during the day. Never assume anything is normal the little voice in the back of your head saying that person doesn’t look right is 10,000 years of human instinct coming to your conscience warning you. There was study done on fish the Northern Pike was watched when he was in feeding mode and on the prowl the small pan fish would run and hide. After the same fish fed the survivor would go back to normal and swim really close to the pike. The scientist was trying to figure out why the different reactions. It is instinct that could not be explained but the fish could sense the difference when the pike was in feeding mode and when it was in resting mode. The point being humans have the same instinct that little voice in your head saying something is not right here warning warning. Learn to listen to that voice of reason and be safe.
A conceal carry permit and get properly trained is one thing everyone should do. Learn the laws in your state get the training. Better to have a handgun and never need it then really need one and not have one. Everyone in your house should be trained to use a gun. Training means more then know how to shoot it. How about finding it and loading it in the dark, do you have a working flashlight beside the bed, obliviously I believe you should train your children from an early age to respect the guns and understand they are not a toy. One good visual effect you can do to train children about guns is take an empty coffee can and fill it up about half way with water. Shoot it with a deer rifle aiming at the bottom 1/3. Explain first to your children and wife human are 80% liquid when a bullet hit it cause massive damage not like the nonsense you see on TV. When you hit the can with the cover on it the cover sometimes flies up into the air and the can will almost exploded and flatten out. Then you explain if you accidentally shoot someone that is what is going to happen to their inside this deadly serious.
With the rising cost of food if you are just starting you might want to stock up on food first. What guns should you have a Minimum of 4. A shotgun, a 22 rifle, a deer rifle with a good scope and a good handgun. A Good semi-auto rifle is a good thing to have. Ammo at the bare minimum 250 rounds of shotgun shells number 6’s number 4’s some BB shot and 100 rounds of slugs and buckshot. I have really good luck with the 3 inch magnum triple ought buckshot but all of it is very good for close in shooting. .22 ammo 2500 rounds get Remington hollow points you pay more for it but your will bring more game home with it. The Federal hollow points are cheaper but don’t expand correctly and will lose game, The way I look at it if you are starving and you lost that rabbit because of cheap ammo it your own fault because you were being cheap. 500 rounds of CCI solid points, your deer rifle 1000 rounds if you are reloader I love Noslers there new combine technology with Winchester silver tip is an awesome bullet. But I have really good luck with all of Noslers. Your handgun again a 1000 rounds 3 extra magazines. Again get good ammo assortment of hollowpoints and solid points. Take care of your guns cleaned them but don’t over clean them. The number one cause of failure in some guns is over oiling. Americans have this bad habit of a little is good a lot is better.
People should start seriously thinking surviving in place. You are much better off staying at home then trying backpack survival. If you do will end being refugee. I have considerable knowledge of the woods and living off the land but yet I have stored food and seeds. As Duncan Long in his book Survival Guns stated ” You are far better off to have a garden and traps to feed your family then a wealth of hunting guns. ” Those of us that have survive for extended periods of time in the wilds knows it takes a lot of energy to go hunting. Far better to have the traps and snares working for you then you waiting for hours or days for a shot.
How to survive I am going to do a in depth report on how to save money.
Bruce Buckshot